Preschool enrollment


Registration Fee for All Classes: $80 [non-refundable] per student

Tuition (Based on 9 month school year)

Little Learners 2-Day Tuesday/Thursday: $900/year [9 monthly payments of $100/month]

Pre-Kindergarten Prep 3-Day Monday/Wednesday/Friday: $1,260/year [9 monthly payments of $140/month]

Pre-Kindergarten Prep 5-Day Monday-Friday: $2,160/year [9 monthly payments of $240/month]

There are price reductions available for paying in full as well as for multi-student households. To view specific price reductions, please check out the Preschool Enrollment Application.

Before School Care is offered for preschool students. It starts at 7:30 AM and ends at 9:00 AM. The cost is $5.75 per day, with a minimum of one hour for $3.50.


Preschool Enrollment Questions

Please contact Cheryl Judd, the Preschool Clerk, at or 316-788-1715 Ext. 115 to ask any questions you may have about enrollment.

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208 S Derby Ave.,
Derby, KS 67037


